The Renegade Picture Show began in 2007 as an impromptu drive-up drive-in. A screen was painted on the back of the grain silos of what was then OKC Rocks. The first show was relatively small but word-of-mouth spread and the crowds grew.
Quick trivia: What movie was shown at the first Renegade Picture Show (RPS 1)?
The Renegade Picture Show grew out of a desire to experiment with the live performance aspect of displaying motion pictures combined with the neo-retro techiness of a drive-in theatre in the modern age. For the earliest shows we used an FM transmitter to broadcast the audio to car stereos. This later eveolved into using a PA system for the audio. All along we have used a laptop and a digital projector for visual display and last year we implmented a Super 8 film projector for Global Super8 film day (the 50 year anniversary of Super 8 film).

The RPS was influenced by the Santa Cruz Guerilla Drive-In in Santa Cruz, CA and the Mobile Movie (MobMov) in Berkley, CA. Both ideas spread in popularity in the early 2000s and garnered attention across the globe. What was once a unique activity - watching movies outside in a temporary venue - has now become widely accepted. Town parks, city spaces, recreation sites, and even water parks show outdoor movies. The cost of licensing shows has gone up and the regulation of showings has become cumbersome. It's not unusual for a single showing of a film to cost $400-$1000!
Due to these changes in the industry we migrated away from "mainstream" cinema. We show more low-budget, out-of-the-box, true indie, more LOCAL, more foreign, and more films that rarely (if ever) get shown.
Quick trivia: What is the one movie that we've always wanted to show, since the very beginning, but never have?
The Pre-Show
Each RPS has a theme and the pre-show is constructed around that theme. We show a variety of visual entertainment including a slideshow, some shorts, video clips, and then the feature. Shows generally last from 1.5 to 2.5 hours depending upon the length of the films shown. Each show is unique in terms of content.
When is it?
Saturday evenings, usually. Shows are sometimes re-scheduled due to Oklahoma weather.
What should I bring?
it's outside so be prepared for sitting on the ground or in a chair, if you bring one. Bring some snacks. You can't watch a movie without snacks. Sometime we have snacks for sale at the show but we're not promising anything. Other stuff to bring: bug spray, drinks, camera, friends.
How much does it cost to attend?
That's the best part - it's FREE! That's right, I said free. The RPS is not operating for profit but for the shear joy of showing films in a unique setting and in a unique way. Lets just say that the spirit of art and renegadeness (is that a word?) is driving this project.
What kinds of films do you show?
Many of the previews, shorts, and features are in the public domain, meaning they are free to show. For more information on public domain movies I would encourage you to visit archive.org. Besides these we have a wide variety of other material to show; everything from short films, and video art, to feature films. Each RPS features a theme so one night may be sci-fi films, the next time may be romantic comedy, horror, or mystery.
Yes! We'd love to know what films you would like to see. We can't guarantee it but maybe it will end up on the schedule.
Do you accept submissions for the show?
If you have work that you would like to debut at the RPS please contact us. We'd love to see it and give you, the filmmaker(s), an opportunity to have your work seen by our discerning yet respectful audience.
Do you accept advertising?
If you own or work for a company that you feel would mesh well with the RPS and be appropriate for advertising during one of the shows or on this website please shoot us an email - we'll talk.
Who runs this show, anyway?
Wouldn't you like to know.