Super 8 Film Night! At Silo Art Space - Rocktown - RPS#19

The films vary widely in terms of genre; foreign, quirky, dark, sentimental, experimental...some arre just plain strange. Some are black and white, some color - appearance and... mood all differ. They all have on thing in common - all were shot in the Super 8 film format.
This is a RARE opportunity to see the state of Super 8 filmmaking today and experience stories told across the globe in a variety of ways.
This will be the FIRST showing of its type for Renegade and will take place indoors. Yes, indoors at Rocktown, in our Silo Art Space area.
Hope you all can be there. We'll do our best to accommodate.
The show will begin approximately 8:30 pm.
A personal note from Aaron:
"I've selected films which explore the variety, experiences, and stories as told through Super 8 filmmaking. If you are looking for something truly artistic and vastly outside the "norm" of typical Hollywood movies - this night is for you! Super 8 film shorts, and shorts in general often present themselves more as anecdotes rather than complete stories or thoughts. The best ones leave you wanting more, asking questions, wondering what-if, and intrigued by what was just witnessed. For this reason (and many others) some people steer away from shorts or quickly proclaim one as good or bad. My feeling about this has always been, to say a film is "good" or "bad" is short-sighted - we must first put it in context, reorient our own perspective and ask the question again. And again. Sometimes we have to accept that maybe we just don't understand. And that's okay."
A word of caution: Some of the films may explore themes of a more mature/adult nature and all may not be appropriate for age 13 and under - I think I can safely say this will be PG-13.