Show Report (& more)

The biggest show to come is scheduled for AUGUST 11. Get ready for the BL movie. This show is going to be very "dude." We are going to have outdoor bowling. Yes, that's right - RENEGADE BOWLING!! Still working out the logistics on this one but I think we got the basics figured out. I'm bidding on some pins on ebay right now - I should know within an hour or two if I've won them. A bowling ball has already been secured. And the construction of the lane has been figured out - though not fully engineered (and I doubt it will be until the night of the show). Now, the second part to the Lebowski equation - ATIRE. For those that have seen the show, please dress up as your favorite Lebowski character - or wear something that relates to the movie. If you haven't seen the movie - maybe wear something bowling related.
There will be much more to come about the BIG show. Stay tuned...