Next Show - Saturday, May 5

Showtime is at DARK - be there about 8:45 PM. If you show up late, be sure to turn your head lights off before reaching the back of the silos.
The location is OKC Rocks Climbing Gym - on the back of the silos. For a detailed map and directions go here. If you haven't been here before you better leave early in case you get lost.
The show is FREE. Of course, donations are greatly appreciated.
Bring snacks, popcorn, candy, beer, dinner, soda...whatever.
If you want to spread the word, print a flyer.
If this is your first show here's how it works. The movie is projected on the back of the silos (from a projector sitting on top of my car). A laptop is hooked up to the projector which plays video files and a DVD copy of the movie. The audio is piped through an FM transmitter (sounds geeky doesn't it?) and fed into your car stereo or portable radio. Electricity provided by Freddy, the owner of OKC Rocks, powers the whole shabang.
There will be a pre-show featuring some old drive-in movie ads and other stuff like newsreel footage, commercials, art films, industrial films, cartoons, public service announcements, and previews...basically anything that looks interesting.
Hope to see you there!