2010 KICK OFF - SATURDAY, JUNE 26th at 9 pm

Our first show of 2010 kicks off on Saturday, June 26 at 9 pm. We'll start the evening with Aaron Gibson's film, The Good Soldier . Shot on location at Rocktown Climbing Gym and in Norman, OK, this film has been recognized at festivals both internationally (Cambridge Super 8 Film Fest, England) and locally (deadCenter Film Fest, OKC). In attendance will be various cast and crew. The film will be followed by a short Q&A session. Copies of the film will be available for sale at the showing for $10 ( also available online ). Following a brief intermission we'll then show a classic FEATURE film (~95 min) of a similar genre. For additional details, sign-up on THE LIST and check your email for an update from Pancho here at the Renegade Picture Show. The show will begin at 9 pm. If this will be your first RPS, or if it's been so long you've just forgotten, here's some things you'll want to bring: 1) Some snacks 2) Drinks 3) Something to sit on (or in) 4) Bug s...